Getting started

Command Manager

The command manager is responsible for doing almost everything in the framework, from registering commands to customizing messages. To start, first add it to your onEnable method.

CommandManager commandManager = new CommandManager(yourPlugin);

Creating Commands

Now you have to create your first command class. Let's call it CommandTest for an example. Every command class must extend CommandBase.

public class CommandTest extends CommandBase {

Inside this class we can add our commands and subcommands. First let's do the equivalent to /commandtest simply to send a message saying Hello!.

public void defaultCommand(final CommandSender commandSender) {

Done! That simple. Now to add a subcommand called test that'll send a message saying Test!.

public void testSubCommand(final CommandSender commandSender) {

The first parameter will dictate if the command can be executed by the console and player or just the player. If the first parameter is Player player instead of CommandSender sender it'll automatically make a player only command!

Registering Commands

To register the commands we just created we simply go back to the onEnable method and add the following.

// Registering one command
commandManager.register(new CommandTest());

// Registering multiple
commandManager.register(new Command1(), new Command2(), new Command3(), ..);

That's all for the basic commands, for the more advanced ones you can just keep reading!

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